Me, one bench and my ballet.

Me, one bench and my ballet.
Me, one bench and my ballet.

Friday 1 August 2014


Does Anyone Know MovieStarPlanet (MSP)???

Ok so there's this whole website called Moviestarplanet. It's a website where you  create your own mini me. You go shopping,get pets friends and boyfriends. It's actually quite fun.
But then the bad side comes, you can get seriously addicted; no joke. Or you don't have money to get VIP so you can steal which is way out of league.
Although when you go on it, its like a mini version of you where no-one can tell you how to dress.
My favourite thing about MSP is that when you go shopping there are different themes which are like
Valentines Day
Boonies(MSP pets)
Beach Party
Ancient Greece
There are loads more. Try not to get addicted that bad. Keep to the limits and then you can do whatever you want.

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